Are you ready to experience GB Latest Version Plus Chat?
What do we offer in GB Latest Version Plus Chat? -Telegram Web Chat -Fonts For whatsApp -Status Stories Video Split -Dual Chat For WhatsApp -Stickers for WhatsApp -Status Story Maker & Editor - Hashtag Generator - IG & YouTube Thumbnail Maker - iVault - Photo Vault - Live Wallpapers -Personal Notes
**Dual Chat For WhatsApp***
You can use WhatsApp on your iPad with this app and you can also have 2 numbers of WhatsApp in your iPhone or one account on two devices, if you like.
Just like the web version of your your favorite social media app, the WA Dual Chat is an extension of your phone, which simply mirror your conversations and messages as they are in your phone device, that means, all your messages remain originally saved on your phone.
لن تتم الموافقة على نشر التعليقات إذا كانت رسائل غير مرغوب فيها أو مسيئة أو خارج الموضوع أو استخدام الألفاظ النابية أو تحتوي على هجوم شخصي أو تروج للكراهية من أي نوع.